Tuesday, April 7, 2009

java.sql.PreparedStatement with named params using static class

I have been programming a system wich uses exclusively JDBC queries. No ORM tools are used. All of the SQL queries are with java.sql.PreparedStatment using "?" (question marks) for data insertion. The resons for this are not the topic of this post. Since I am in this environment and rely wanted named parameters in my SQL queries I just went out and looked for these on the web. I found this.

Now this requires to make a wrapper to java.sql.PreparedStatement. But the system is quite large and it is better for me to make static calls only. So I coded my own static methods for achiving the same goal. The code is found at the bottom of this post and you can use it like this:

Connection con = ds.getConnection("xxx");
String sql_p = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.ID=:sid ORDER BY ID DESC ";
// if you don't have null values in params list then make hashmap with param values
HashMap param_map = new HashMap(); param_map.put("sid", 1);
// if you might have null values in params list then make hashmap like this
HashMap param_map = new HashMap(); param_map.put("sid", new Object[] {null, java.sql.Types.INTEGER});
// make indexed query (with ? markers)
String sql_i = SQLHelper.namedParamParseSQL(sql_p, param_map);
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql_i);
// assign statement params
stmt = SQLHelper.namedParamAssign(stmt, param_map, sql_p);

The SQLHelper class can be found here:

package util;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

import ee.eschool.exceptions.DWRException;

* SQL Helper functions
* 1. Static class for named params in JDBC SQL.
* Original code here: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2007/jw-04-jdbc.html?page=1
* Usage instructions: http://imlostinit.blogspot.com/2009/04/javasqlpreparedstatement-with-named.html
* Usage sample:
* Connection con = ds.getConnection("xxx");
* String sql_p = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.ID=:sid ORDER BY ID DESC ";
* // if you don't have null values in params list then make hashmap with param values
* HashMap param_map = new HashMap(); param_map.put("sid", 1);
* // if you might have null values in params list then make hashmap like this
* HashMap param_map = new HashMap(); param_map.put("sid", new Object[] {null, java.sql.Types.INTEGER});
* // make indexed query (with ? markers)
* String sql_i = SQLHelper.namedParamParseSQL(sql_p, param_map);
* PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql_i);
* // assign statement params
* stmt = SQLHelper.namedParamAssign(stmt, param_map, sql_p);
* @author erkulas
public class SQLHelper {

* Parse SQL query with named params and return SQL query with indexes .
* @param sql_query SQL query string with named parameters (like :param )
* @return parsed SQL query with indexes ( ? ) in the place of params ( :param )
public static String namedParamParseSQL(String sql_query) {
int length=sql_query.length();
StringBuffer parsedQuery=new StringBuffer(length);
boolean inSingleQuote=false;
boolean inDoubleQuote=false;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
char c=sql_query.charAt(i);
if(inSingleQuote) {
if(c=='\'') {
} else if(inDoubleQuote) {
if(c=='"') {
} else {
if(c=='\'') {
} else if(c=='"') {
} else if(c==':' && i+1<length && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(sql_query.charAt(i+1))) {
int j=i+2;
while(j<length && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sql_query.charAt(j))) { j++; }
String name=sql_query.substring(i+1,j);
c='?'; // replace the parameter with a question mark
i+=name.length(); // skip past the end of the parameter
return parsedQuery.toString();

* Parses sql_query and returns a list of params with "param_idx" value indicating the param order in SQL.
* @param sql_query SQL query string with named parameters (like :param )
* @param param_map HashMap of parameter values
* @return List of HashMaps with indexes according to their order in the sql_query
public static List<HashMap&rt; namedParamGetIdx(String sql_query, HashMap param_map) throws SQLException {
List<HashMap&rt; indexList = new ArrayList();
int length=sql_query.length();
StringBuffer parsedQuery=new StringBuffer(length);
boolean inSingleQuote=false;
boolean inDoubleQuote=false;
int index=1;
Object sqltype, val;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
char c=sql_query.charAt(i);
if(inSingleQuote) {
if(c=='\'') {
} else if(inDoubleQuote) {
if(c=='"') {
} else {
if(c=='\'') {
} else if(c=='"') {
} else if(c==':' && i+1<length && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(sql_query.charAt(i+1))) {
int j=i+2;
while(j<length && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sql_query.charAt(j))) { j++; }
String name=sql_query.substring(i+1,j);
c='?'; // replace the parameter with a question mark
i+=name.length(); // skip past the end of the parameter
if(param_map.get(name)!=null) {
if(param_map.get(name) instanceof Object[]) { val = ((Object[])param_map.get(name))[0]; } else { val = param_map.get(name); }
HashMap hm = new HashMap(); hm.put("param_name", name); hm.put("param_val", val); hm.put("param_idx", index);
if((param_map.get(name) instanceof Object[]) && (((Object[])param_map.get(name))[1]!=null)) { sqltype=((Object[])param_map.get(name))[1]; }
else if(val==null) { throw new SQLException("Param null and no SQLType specified."); }
hm.put("param_sqltype", sqltype);
else { throw new SQLException("Param "+name+" not found in mapping."); }
return indexList;

* Assign PreparedStatement with the values from param_map according to their order in sql_p .
* @param stmt The PreparedStatement instance to be used.
* @param param_map An HashMap with parameter values.
* @param sql_p SQL query with named parameters ( :param )
* @return Returns the PreparedStatement with the params assigned.
public static PreparedStatement namedParamAssign(PreparedStatement stmt, HashMap param_map, String sql_p) throws SQLException {
List<HashMap&rt; param_idx = namedParamGetIdx(sql_p, param_map);
return namedParamAssign(stmt, param_idx);

* Assign PreparedStatement with the values from param_map according to their order in sql_p .
* @param stmt The PreparedStatement instance to be used.
* @param statement_idx_list List of params .
* @return Returns the PreparedStatement with the params assigned.
public static PreparedStatement namedParamAssign(PreparedStatement stmt, List<HashMap&rt; statement_idx_list) {
for(Integer c=0; c<statement_idx_list.size(); c=c+1) {
Object val=statement_idx_list.get(c).get("param_val");
Integer idx=(Integer)statement_idx_list.get(c).get("param_idx");
Integer sqltype=(Integer)statement_idx_list.get(c).get("param_sqltype");
try {
if(val==null) { stmt.setNull(idx, sqltype); }
else if(val instanceof String) { stmt.setString(idx, (String)val); }
else if(val instanceof Integer) { stmt.setInt(idx, (Integer)val); }
else if(val instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(idx, (Long)val); }
else if(val instanceof Boolean) { stmt.setBoolean(idx, (Boolean)val); }
else if(val instanceof java.util.Date) { stmt.setDate(idx, new java.sql.Date( ((java.util.Date)val).getTime() ) ); }
else if(val instanceof java.sql.Date) { stmt.setDate(idx, (java.sql.Date)val); }
} catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return stmt;
