Friday, July 4, 2008

CentOS Xen domU image resize

The impatient ones can find the clean solution with Linux commands at the end of this post. For the inquiring minds, here we go.

I've been struggling with our CentOS Xen install problems for months now. The server is running on HP Proliant DL380 G5 with two 86 GB SAS discs in RAID 1 (full mirroring).

Since we had so limited HDD space capacity (my bad when ordering the server), I had to limit the space allocated to Xen domU-s . Each got about 6-10 GB . Now we are running into space problems on these domU-s. As it turns out there is NO straightforward procedure for resizing domU disks on Xen and Redhat (um. i meant CentOS :-P ).

We installed domU-s by accessing install media through HTTP (Apache on dom0). This post is not about domU installation so I'll refrain from describing the procedures with detail. But this had a small but VERY SIGNIFICANT consequence. Installing domU-s this way we had an ordinary CentOS install going on in dom0 and resulting in new domU . All fine and dandy, right? NOT!

This procedure ended up with an image file on dom0 containing two partitions (small one for kernel and a LVM) . Now since all the userland data is on our LVM LV (LVM Logical Volume) we wanted to add space to that. So in order to do that we needed:

1. add "physical" space to the image file from dom0
2. add/allocate that space to our LVM PV (Physical Volumn) volume inside the image file
3. add/allocate space to LVM LV (Logical Volume) inside LVM PV

Should be piece of cake ... well not quite.

Point 1 is no problem, we use "dd" on the image file dom0 and you don't even need to shutdown the domU. One possibility for points 2 and 3 would be to shutdown domU, mount it's image in dom0 and resize the LVM. BUT, our install procedure above resulted in the LVM descriptors (ID-s) of dom0 and domU LVM discs to be EXACTLY the same. So we have NO WAY of altering the LVM on domU images from dom0 because the system could only identify dom0 LVM disks. We have a chicken and an egg problem, because we can't even change the ID-s on the same system. Ok, so alternatively we will try to resize the LVM PV and LV in domU - to no avail. The "pvextend" and "lvextend" end up with error messages about not being able to modify the volumes (even on runlevel 1).

At the end of the day the only solution was to create a new primary partitition on domU (with fdisk), create a new PV and extend LV with it. Here is the trace:
dd if=/dev/zero bs=2G count=1 >> IMAGE_FILE

[root@mail ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
7.2G 6.0G 851M 88% /
/dev/xvda1 99M 18M 76M 20% /boot
tmpfs 500M 0 500M 0% /dev/shm
[root@mail ~]# pvs -o +dev_size --units h
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree DevSize
/dev/xvda2 VolGroup00 lvm2 a- 9.31G 32.00M 9.32G

------ fdisk (make primary partitition /dev/xvda3 on disk from free space) ------

[root@mail ~]# pvcreate /dev/xvda3 Physical volume "/dev/xvda3" successfully created [root@mail ~]# vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/xvda3 Volume group "VolGroup00" successfully extended [root@mail ~]# lvextend -L+608M /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 Extending logical volume LogVol00 to 17.34 GB Logical volume LogVol00 successfully resized [root@mail ~]# resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 resize2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006) Filesystem at /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required Performing an on-line resize of /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 to 4702208 (4k) blocks. The filesystem on /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 is now 4702208 blocks long. [root@mail ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 18G 6.0G 11G 36% / /dev/xvda1 99M 18M 76M 20% /boot tmpfs 500M 0 500M 0% /dev/shm

PS: you should be able to do this without a domU shutdown. Use it at your own risk tho.

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